Words, Words, Words!
"The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do."—Thomas Jefferson
Writers who get paid by the word might disagree with Jefferson, which may account for the books and articles bloating with redundancy. Not getting paid for my writing and preferring succinct explanations, I am fascinated with words that convey meaning precisely. I also love the rhythm of the phonemes and the underlying metalinguistics. That may be why I enjoyed learning German. Every letter is firmly articulated, and words are combined in novel ways. For instance, Schlittschuhlaufen, literally, slide shoe running. Ice skating for us. Don't try to say it with a dry mouth.
Word Daily sends a word of the day to my email. Unlike other sites that feature words I already use and thus are boring, this site offers lesser-known terms. Occasionally one fits the definition so perfectly or humorously that I want to figure out a way to inject it into my speech. Here are a few recent ones:
Lethologica: The inability to remember a particular word or name. Okay, everyone over 60 experiences this. I would love to use the word in conversation but will probably not recall it when needed.
Sitooterie: A small patio or sheltered area outside a house, suitable for sitting in for relaxation or socializing. Who doesn't want a sitooterie? I found this word humorous for some reason. Maybe because it could be short for "sit your tush here." If I can remember it, I will use it in place of patio. (See lethologica)
Demiurge: A being responsible for the creation of the universe. The Maker or Creator of the world. As a literary person who likes to contemplate the invisible, a term I recently came across, I am always looking for ways to express the ephemeral. Demiurge implies an energy that is urged to create, isn't just letting things happen.
Appetency: A longing or desire. A natural tendency or affinity. I am not sure why I added this one to the list. Maybe the resemblance to "appetite"?
Afflatus: A divine creative impulse or inspiration. Am I alone in being reminded of flatulence? Definitely an impulse.
Mansuetude: Meekness. Gentleness. Not traditionally considered manly in our society.
Here is my one and probably only attempt to use these words:
Relaxing on my sitooterie, I observed my husband's afflatus drawing him outdoors with an appetency to trim the trees. A short time later, falling from the ladder and in contrast to his usual mansuetude, he cried out the name of a well-known demiurge.
There was another word that I meant to include, but I forgot what it was.