More Lessons from the Iberian Peninsula
1492 was a very bad year for Spain, plummeting them into hundreds of years of decline. (It was also a bad year for the indigenous Americans for different reasons.)
Separation of church and state is a good policy.
Franco was a terrible dictator. Is there such thing as a good dictator?
The trendy glass shower enclosures that cover only half the shower don’t work.
Extra large bath towels are nice.
Strictly enforced traffic laws not only decrease fatalities but make driving and walking near streets comfortable.
It is fun exploring areas knowing that there are no (or highly controlled) guns nearby.
Excellent affordable health care is possible.
Learning the opening motif of Vivaldi’s “Autumn” from the Four Seasons on the harmonica does not satisfy my need to make music.
One can tire of touring churches, palaces, and religious art.
Spain and Portugal have reliable internet service.